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Our Projects
Aeronautics, microelectronics
Project Management: Decontamination and disposal of arsenic waste
Gallium, arsenic and indium decontamination
Mercury production line decontamination
Project Management
Waste disposal in a mine
OSCE Repackaging
Secure storage of flammable materials
Electrolysis dismantling
Hydrazine remediation
Contamination Diagnostics
Technical Studies
Sludge treatment process study
Hazardous gases
Dismantling BCl3
Neutralization of chlorine cylinders
Drainage and recompression of anhydrous ammonia
Hazardous waste
Environmental forensics
Gantry trigger management
Repackaging of chemical, pyrotechnic and radiological waste
VCM reconditioning
Chemical industry
Equipment decontamination - beryllium
Diagnosis of chemical products before demolition
Waste identification, removal and treatment
Pharmaceutical industry
Assistance to the project owner - decontamination
Decontamination after cessation of activity
Diagnosis of a pharmaceutical laboratory
Emergency Response
Nitric acid decontamination
Bromine leakage during transport
Lithium repackaging
Laboratories, R&D centers
Ethidium bromide decontamination
Mercury decontamination in an R&D laboratory
Tellurium and cadmium decontamination
Radiological Risks
Radiological remediation of an industrial site
Waste management NORM
Marie Curie Laboratories
Public institutions
Lead decontamination of a shooting range
Emergency decontamination of a 55% nitric acid leak
Repackaging of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM)
Remediation of a military installation containing hydrazine and nitric acid
Securing and dismantling of the former SNCPA mercury electrolysis unit
Destocking and restocking of mercurial and arsenic waste in a mine
Securing and decontamination of a warehouse for highly flammable materials
Project management: Repackaging of chemical weapons precursors waste
Study of sludge treatment processes
Emergency Response: Lithium Repackaging
Emergency Response: Bromine leak from a truck during transportation
Lead decontamination of a shooting range
Decontamination of an R&D laboratory contaminated with ethidium bromide
Mercury decontamination in an R&D laboratory
Tellurium and cadmium decontamination in a R&D center
Mercury decontamination on a production line
Gallium, arsenic and indium decontamination
Project management: Decontamination and disposal of arsenic waste
Decontamination and dismantling of a distillation unit (BCl₃)
Drainage and recompression of anhydrous ammonia
In situ neutralization of heavily corroded chlorine cylinders
Radioactive detection gantry triggering management on asbestos waste
Environmental forensics: study of residual waste following a fire
Repackaging of chemical, pyrotechnic and radiological waste
NORM Waste Management
Inventory, characterization, treatment of historical radioactive waste from the Marie Curie Laboratories
Expert support for the radiological remediation of an industrial site
Decontamination after cessation of activity
Project Management: decontamination of a pharmaceutical production site
Contamination diagnostics in a pharmaceutical laboratory
Identification, removal and treatment of hazardous waste
Decontamination of a furnace contaminated with beryllium residues
Study of chemicals present on site before demolition
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