
Ministry of the Environment of Tunisia

The site of SNCPA, producer of Alfa pulp, operated until 1990 in Kasserine, Tunisia. It used mercury electrolysis to generate the basic products for its processes. Left abandoned for 20 years, the installation gradually deteriorated until the roof of the electrolysis plant, containing fibro-cement, collapsed. In addition, the intervention had to be carried out in the immediate vicinity of a hydrogen tank (gasometer) in operation and with a high level of precaution due to the advanced state of degradation of the structures.

The securing and dismantling work was carried out in partnership with a local company, SEGOR. CURIUM's mission included:

  • Preliminary studies: mercury, asbestos and lead diagnostics and the elaboration of demolition modus operandi;
  • The installation of protection for the gasometer and temporary shoring of the electrolysis room;
  • The emptying of mercury from the decomposers, piping and vessels in the cell building and the preparation of the washing area for contaminated parts;
  • The management of the demolition of the process units supporting the electrolysis room, the destruction of the upper floors, the removal of the 10 electrolysis cells, the cutting up of the cells, vats and scrap metal and their washing for decontamination, as well as the demolition of the building.

At the end of the project, approximately 2,500 m² of industrial units were dismantled; 25 litres of liquid mercury were collected and transferred to ADR tanks; 225 m3 of mercury-soiled waste and 25 m3 of fibro-cement were conditioned. Three buildings were demolished and an intermediate storage building was constructed.



Mercury, asbestos

Works surface

2,500 m²


25 litres of mercury repackaged
225 m3 of decontaminated waste



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